Photo: Izzet Çakallı / Pexels
In partnership with Cap-Net UNDP, UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre, UN–Habitat, Global Water Partnership and UNDP, UNEP-DHI has developed an online course on Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) for Climate Resilience. The new 2024 edition of the course has been launched through the Cap-Net UNDP’s Virtual Campus.
This course is designed to equip practitioners with the knowledge and tools needed to navigate the complexities of integrated water management planning in the context of a changing climate. Examples of planning tools, technologies and practical ways forward are presented to provide guidance on how to implement IWRM for climate resilience and to explore financing sources. Moreover, different management and technology tools and approaches for adaptation and mitigation are discussed.
Upon completion of all five modules, participants will receive a certificate issued by the course organizers. Each module provides participants with engaging resources, including mandatory and suggested readings, videos, suggested websites, and dedicated discussion forums to enhance the learning experience. The modules are as follows:
Module 1: Water resources management for climate change adaptation and mitigation
Module 2: Frameworks for action: from global to national
Module 3: Integrated approaches to planning and management of water
Module 4: Adaptation and mitigation technologies for increased water sector resilience
Module 5: Financing sources
After course completion, participants will possess the expertise to develop balanced interventions that ensure water security, development, and effective climate-risk management.
This free, self-paced online course is open to anyone interested in integrating water management and climate change efforts. Participants are expected to have previous knowledge of the basic science behind climate change and its impacts on water resources. The course is open for enrolment until November 15, 2024.
UNEP DHI Partnership – Centre on Water and Environment
Agern Allé 5, 2970 Denmark
Tel: +45 45169200