Photo: Ollivier Girard, CIFOR/Flickr
The key objective of this initiative was to develop a harmonised national, basin and regional water sector monitoring and reporting system in Africa to enable African Ministers’ Council on Water (AMCOW) to report annually to the African Union (AU) Summit on the state of water in Africa. The Africa Water Sector and Sanitation Monitoring and Reporting system serves as a platform to report progress on the implementation of the AU Heads of States and Government Sharm el Sheikh Commitments to accelerate the achievement of the Africa Water Vision 2025, as well as the global high level political commitments on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on water and sanitation.
It is designed to promote cross-sector learning and knowledge dissemination within the water, sanitation, food, energy and climate nexus while supporting joint sector reviews. The online portal comes with maps and tabular view options enabling comparison of progress on various indicators across Member States in Africa.
UNEP-DHI supports AMCOW in developing, enhancing and maintaining the web-based monitoring and reporting system. Following training, AMCOW hosts manages the system, which has become an important tool in its work with countries.
UNEP DHI Partnership – Centre on Water and Environment
Agern Allé 5, 2970 Denmark
Tel: +45 45169200