2030 SDGs
Special focus: Gender mainstreaming
Supporting gender mainstreaming in water resources management at all levels

Women leaving a village meeting in Belo Jiganfoy, Ethiopia – Reem Hajjar, OSU, 2016

Gender equality and social inclusion are core values in our work with implementation of integrated water resources management. Mainstreaming of gender in countries’ water resources management is a key strategy enable achievement of SDG target 6.5, but also, in the indivisible spirit of the SDGs, many other related targets, and therefore remains a central focus of our work and that of the SDG 6 IWRM Support Programme.

More information on the latest activities within gender-mainstreaming in the sections below.

Latest activities on gender

The gender snapshot 2021: Progress on SDGs

UNEP-DHI contributed to the preparation of the UN-Women report “Progress on the Sustainable Development Goals: The gender snapshot 2021”. The report presents the latest evidence on gender equality across all 17 sustainable development goals.

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The gender snapshot 2021: Progress on SDGs

UNEP-DHI contributed to the preparation of the UN-Women report “Progress on the Sustainable Development Goals: The gender snapshot 2021”. The report presents the latest evidence on gender equality across all 17 sustainable development goals.

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UNEP DHI Partnership – Centre on Water and Environment

Agern Allé 5, 2970 Denmark

Tel: +45 45169200