Special focus: Nature Based Solutions
Prioritizing Nature-Based Solutions is a core aspect of IWRM Implementation
Special focus: Nature Based Solutions
Prioritizing Nature Based Solutions is a core aspect of a successful transition to more sustainable and inclusive water resources management

Photo : Pxfuel

Nature Based solutions (NBS) for water resources management involve the planned and deliberate use of ecosystem services to improve water quantity and quality and to increase resilience to climate change. Investment in NBS helps to safeguard and maintain ecosystems that are vital for food and water supplies, protect against natural disasters and provide goods and services key to human well-being and economic development.

NBS is a key focus area of the work of the UNEP-DHI Centre, and UNEP, aiming to change the way we interact with and depend on nature, to unlock its full potential for more sustainable water resources and water ecosystem management and climate resilience building.

Latest activities on Nature Based Solutions

Are you a Match!? New tool matches water practitioners with technology providers to help solve the world’s water challenges

Too much water, too little water, sea level rise, pollution, and increased climate change risks. Many of us know all about the world’s water management challenges, but few of us are aware of the growing number of technical solutions to help address these challenges. One of the reasons for this is that there is no single online space that gathers and organizes this kind of information in a clear and useful way….Until now.

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