2030 SDGs

As shortages mount, countries hunt for novel sources of water

© Photo: AFP/Fayez Nurledine

Drive down the dusty roads of Jamaica’s rural Mount Airy district and one will see dozens of black water tanks, many connected with drainpipes to the rooftops of neighbouring houses.

The tanks measure two metres tall. They collect rainwater and through a drip irrigation system, channel it to nearby fields brimming with tomatoes, peppers and sweet potatoes.

In an area increasingly plagued by drought, which has been linked to climate change, these tanks have become a lifeline for local farmers.

“Everybody I know faces the same challenge of reduced rain and less predictable rainfall,” says farmer Althea Spencer. Having the rainwater harvesting system in place “feels pretty good,” she adds.

Read the full story on UNEP’s website

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UNEP DHI Partnership – Centre on Water and Environment

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