Photo: UN Women/Flickr
Water projects are six times more efficient when women are part of the team, and yet there are still massive gaps in employment of women within the water sector. This is despite their essential role in bringing forth water solutions for communities, businesses, and ecosystems. It is therefore crucial that everyone play their part in encouraging women colleagues join and remain active in the water sector.
In relation to this, the Global Water Partnership, Community of Women in Water, and World Bank Equal Aqua are partnering up to host a public event on the 22nd of September around how to better support women colleagues in the water sector. The event will feature keynote talks by several gender experts and the final half hour will be dedicated to participant discussions in small groups about what has been shared.
The event we will be live-translated in French, Russian, and Spanish, with breakout rooms for each of these languages also accessible in the final half hour.
You can register (mandatory to attend) and find more info about the event here.
UNEP-DHI Centre on Water and Environment
Agern Allé 5, 2970 Denmark
Tel: +45 45169200