2030 SDGs

Flood and Drought Management Tools

Photo: Marc Veraart/Flickr

The Flood and Drought Management Tools initiative provides a methodology with online tools to facilitate the inclusion of information on floods and droughts, and future scenarios into Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) planning and Transboundary Diagnostic Analyses (TDA) and Strategic Action Plans (SAP), and Water Safety Planning (WSP).

In this project (2015-2019), DHI developed several technical tools to support decision-makers in effective water resource management and planning. These tools were incorporated in the Flood and Drought Portal, and implemented in three transboundary pilot basins, with training as part of the package: Volta river basin, Lake Victoria basin, Chao Phraya river basin (Thailand).

The technical applications include issue identification and prioritisation, indicator mapping, data availability, drought and flood assessment, basin planning and decision making, and automated reporting.

Key national stakeholders were trained in using the system, which allows them to:

  • Access near real time data related to flood and drought
  • Identify and locate hazards based on a wide range of indices
  • Forecast the development and onset of growing season through indices linked to climate forecast
  • Establish user defined thresholds for warning based on nationally selected indices
  • Assess the impact of future investments and external factors through a basin planning tool
  • Disseminate information through automated reporting

Key outputs: 


The Flood and Drought Portal is developed by DHI in collaboration with the UNEP-DHI Centre,  UNEP and IWA.

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UNEP DHI Partnership – Centre on Water and Environment

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