2030 SDGs

Global Wetland Watch: mapping and monitoring changes to wetland ecosystems

Photo: unsplash

Wetlands deliver multiple ecosystem services, including carbon sequestration, biodiversity gains, nutrient retention, and water purification, as well as drought and flood mitigation, bolstering water and food security and climate resilience. 

Despite these substantial benefits, wetlands are significantly undervalued, understudied and mismanaged globally. We estimate that over 80 per cent of the planet’s wetlands have been lost, yet there are critical data gaps that would aid in decision-making and their prioritization. Currently, no global observation system exists to provide countries with actionable data and information on wetland ecosystems, namely information that is accurate, accessible, understandable, scientifically robust, near real-time and in high-resolution. Providing this information will help wetlands be understood and prioritized by governments as a sustainable solution to reduce environmental, social, and economic risks.  

Background and desired outcomes of the project 

The Global Wetland Watch serves to address this gap, supporting countries to protect and restore the world’s wetland ecosystems, ensuring they can continue to lock carbon and greenhouse gases such as methane in the ground, secure habitats for endangered species, and secure the ongoing provision of freshwater services. 

For the first time ever, the Global Wetland Watch system will utilize both satellite and in-situ data, and provide high resolution global map layers on wetlands, incorporating monthly data on vegetation, water and soil moisture conditions. These data sets will be combined with machine learning algorithms to estimate wetland typology and extent at a global scale. Countries and stakeholders will work with, and improve the data, statistics and knowledge going into the system, improving the accuracy of the system and the uptake of the information in decision-making processes. 

Through the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), the data and information generated by the Global Wetland Watch will support UN Member States to meet their commitments and ambitions towards targets set through the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the Global Biodiversity Framework, and other multilateral environmental agreements. 

Role of UNEP-DHI in the project 

Facilitated by the UNEP-DHI Centre on Water and Environment, DHI will take lead in the machine learning and system development, while UNEP will provide strategic leadership and secure political and institutional engagement from governments. 

You can read more about the Global Wetland Watch on their official website.


The project is funded by Google.org and their open call for projects using Artificial Intelligence (AI) to accelerate progress toward the Sustainable Development Goals. .

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