2030 SDGs

Water Pollution Management in Achieving SDG Target 6.3: Online course now available

© Pal Szilagyi Palko-EyeEm/Getty Images

Water pollution remains a major global threat. Although many monitoring parameters and methodologies have already been developed, the capacity development required to engage communities and stakeholders in the monitoring process is lagging. 

This course approaches the issue of water pollution from a management perspective, highlighting some of the key water pollution issues, pollution prevention and control measures, Integrated Water Resources Management principles that can help mitigate pollution’s impact on human health and the environment, and policy instruments that enable coordinated action. 

Through undertaking this training, you will gain an increased understanding of water SDG6 target 6.3 – the treatment and reuse of wastewater and ambient water quality – and gain the knowledge required for its implementation. 

The course is open to various stakeholders in the entire water sector worldwide: from river basin organizations and water management professionals to policy makers, international organizations, and civil society at large. No previous knowledge of water pollution management is required.  

Participation in the course is free and the pace of learning is self-determined. Participants who successfully complete the course, having gone through module quizzes and taken part in discussion forums, receive a certificate. 

Partners: UNEP, UNEP-DHI, UN Habitat, Cap-Net Lanka, Nile IWRM-Net

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UNEP-DHI Centre on Water and Environment

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