Data and Knowledge Management for Water Quality (2015)
This is the sixth #6 webinar of the Water Quality (WQ) series, organized by UNEP-DHI, in collaboration with DHI.
Photo: gulzer/Pixabay
A selection of our webinars and other courses can be downloaded below.
This is the sixth #6 webinar of the Water Quality (WQ) series, organized by UNEP-DHI, in collaboration with DHI.
This is the fifth #5 webinar of the Water Quality (WQ) series, organized by UNEP-DHI, in collaboration with DHI.
This is the fourth #4 webinar of the Water Quality (WQ) series, organized by UNEP-DHI, in collaboration with DHI.
This is the third #3 webinars of the Water Quality (WQ) series, organized by UNEP-DHI, in collaboration with DHI.
This is the second #2 webinar of the Water Quality (WQ) series, organized by UNEP-DHI, in collaboration with DH
This is the first #1 webinar of the Water Quality (WQ) series, organized by UNEP-DHI, in collaboration with DHI.
UNEP DHI Partnership – Centre on Water and Environment
Agern Allé 5, 2970 Denmark
Tel: +45 45169200