How Sierra Leone is taking on water pollution
In the midst of a global water pollution crisis, Sierra Leone has taken an important step forward by publishing an assessment on the water quality of one of its most important river catchments.
Photo: Marisa04/Pixabay
In the midst of a global water pollution crisis, Sierra Leone has taken an important step forward by publishing an assessment on the water quality of one of its most important river catchments.
How are we doing on SDG 6 to ensure water and sanitation for all by 2030? Where is the progress being made? How can we accelerate efforts and reach those most in need? Series of free access webinars will be presenting status on Sustainable Development Goal 6 indicators between 14 and 30 September 2021.
Do you want to learn more about how IWRM can be used in practice to increase climate resilience? Sign up now for the new online course ‘IWRM for Climate Resilience’ with Cap-Net UNDP
UNEP highlights the Centre’s work on advancing IWRM implementation. Link to the full article here.
The second progress report on SDG indicator 6.5.1 on Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) implementation has been launched. We urgently need to double the rate at which we are putting IWRM into practice to achieve the target.
Too much water, too little water, sea level rise, pollution, and increased climate change risks. Many of us know all about the world’s water management challenges, but few of us are aware of the growing number of technical solutions to help address these challenges. One of the reasons for this is that there is no single online space that gathers and organizes this kind of information in a clear and useful way….Until now.
The report presents the status of IWRM implementation in Central America and is based on the national reporting on SDG indicator 6.5.1 in year 2020. The report was prepared by GWP Central America, in collaboration with GWP, UNEP-DHI and Central American Commission for Environment and Development (CCAD).
On April 27th, a Learning Exchange seminar on accelerating IWRM implementation was conducted under the IWRM Support Programme. More than 150 participants from national governments, NGOs and other key IWRM stakeholder organisations joined the discussion. Read more about the outcomes here.
We asked Stuart Crane, a freshwater expert with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), to explain UNEP’s work on the three SDG indicators under UNEP’s custodianship.
Historically, there has been little data on the global state of freshwater ecosystems. To fill the gap, UNEP used Earth Observation technologies to track, over long time periods, the extent to which freshwater ecosystems are changing. Researchers surveyed more than 75,000 bodies of water in 89 countries.
Joint Statement for the UN High-Level Meeting on Water, March 18th 2021, was co-signed by 161 countries confirming their commitment to advance progres on SDG goal 6.
On the occasion of the International Women’s Day 2021, UNEP-DHI and the Global Water Partnership (GWP) are launching the report “Advancing towards gender-sensitive water resources management” for public comment.
UNEP DHI Partnership – Centre on Water and Environment
Agern Allé 5, 2970 Denmark
Tel: +45 45169200