How are we doing on SDG 6 to ensure water and sanitation for all by 2030? Where is the progress being made? How can we accelerate efforts and reach those most in need? Series of free access webinars will be presenting status on Sustainable Development Goal 6 indicators between 14 and 30 September 2021.
Author Archives: mabe
Free online course on Integrated Water Resources Management for Climate Resilience launched
Do you want to learn more about how IWRM can be used in practice to increase climate resilience? Sign up now for the new online course ‘IWRM for Climate Resilience’ with Cap-Net UNDP
Supporting UNEP in advancing IWRM implementation
UNEP highlights the Centre’s work on advancing IWRM implementation. Link to the full article here.
Why Gender Matters in IWRM: A tutorial for water managers
Cap-net UNDP, in partnership with GWA, have produced a self-learning tutorial aimed at water professionals that points to the benefits of including gender considerations in water management planning and practices.
Water and Gender: UN-Water factpage
Comprehensive fact page and resource directory on the challenges but also the opportunities related to mainstreaming Gender in IWRM.
GWP Gender action piece
GWP have contributed two key reports that aim to promote and facilitate the mainstreaming of gender into water governance as a key aspect of achieving water security.
September 16th: Learning exchange on gender mainstreaming in WRM
A learning exchange online event on experiences with gender mainstreaming in WRM will take place on September 16th, 2021. Registration is open to all.
Global status report on SDG indicator 6.5.1 launched at World Water Week
The second progress report on SDG indicator 6.5.1 on Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) implementation has been launched. We urgently need to double the rate at which we are putting IWRM into practice to achieve the target.
Progress on Integrated Water Resources Management: Global indicator 6.5.1 updates and Acceleration needs
The report contains the findings of the 2020 global reporting and monitoring exercise on SDG indicator 6.5.1 – the degree of implementation of integrated water resources management (IWRM).
Progress on Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) in the Asia-Pacific Region 2021
This report assesses the progress made on IWRM implementation in the Asia-Pacific region since the baseline reporting round in 2017, based on the national consultations held last year to assess the implementation of SDG 6.5.1.
Status of the implementation of Integrated Water Resources Management in Central America and the Dominican Republic in 2020
The report presents the status of IWRM implementation in Central America, based on the national reporting on SDG indicator 6.5.1 realized over the course of 2020.
Are you a Match!? New tool matches water practitioners with technology providers to help solve the world’s water challenges
Too much water, too little water, sea level rise, pollution, and increased climate change risks. Many of us know all about the world’s water management challenges, but few of us are aware of the growing number of technical solutions to help address these challenges. One of the reasons for this is that there is no single online space that gathers and organizes this kind of information in a clear and useful way….Until now.