Water science and policy development go hand in hand. But how exactly can data support decision-making for transboundary waters? What types of data are critical to designing and implementing policies? And what happens when data is patchy, biased, or missing?
Author Archives: mabe
Blending Water Management and Climate Change Adaptation Approaches
A new report from UNEP with contributions from UNEP-DHI Centre offers recommendations on how to combine water management and climate change adaptation approaches to mitigate the global water and climate change crises.
Wetlands: the unsung heroes of the planet
Wetlands are some of the planet’s most important ecosystems. They’re a haven for wildlife, they filter pollution and they’re important stores of carbon. But they’re also one of the Earth’s most threatened habitats.
Data, adaptation and finance key to managing flood risk
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and partners have been working to help lessen the impact of flooding in countries around the world. More accurate and reliable data are helping to pinpoint risks and UNEP-DHI’s Flood and Drought Portal, is helping to make the necessary data accessible to water authorities.
From COVID-19 to climate action in Francophone West Africa
Based on an initiative from the Global Partnership, UNEP-DHI experts provided training to Government stakeholders from Guinea, Senegal, and Togo. the training focused on using online tools available via the Flood and Drought Portal.
Women remain underrepresented in water resources management
A new report based on country reporting on SDG indicator 6.5.1, showcases a range of practices on advancing women’s participation in water management and provides recommendations on how to replicate and upscale those practices, seen through the lens of seven enablers.
The gender snapshot 2021: Progress on SDGs
UNEP-DHI contributed to the preparation of the UN-Women report “Progress on the Sustainable Development Goals: The gender snapshot 2021”. The report presents the latest evidence on gender equality across all 17 sustainable development goals.
Advancing towards gender mainstreaming in water resources management
The report showcases a range of practices on how countries have advanced women’s participation in water management and provides recommendations on how to replicate and upscale those practices, seen through the lens of seven enablers.
UNEP and Nature Based Solutions
UNEP’s website page on Nature Based Solutions outlines the work they do on several critical areas such as reforestation and afforestation programmes, national ecosystem-based climate change adaptation plans and agro-ecological farming practices.
UNEP Certificate Course on Nature Based Solutions
In January 2021, UNEP launched a new Mass Open Online Course on Nature-based Solutions for Disaster and Climate Resilience. The course is open to everyone wishing to deepen their knowledge on the topic and is completely free, with participants receiving a certificate upon course completion.
Conquering the unconscious bias: How can men and women be better allies to women colleagues in the water sector?
On the 22nd of September, The Global Water Partnership, Community of Women in Water, and World Bank Equal Aqua are partnering up to host a public event around how to better support women colleagues in the water sector
How Sierra Leone is taking on water pollution
In the midst of a global water pollution crisis, Sierra Leone has taken an important step forward by publishing an assessment on the water quality of one of its most important river catchments.