The Caspian Sea’s water levels are declining. While the science of Caspian Sea fluctuations is complex, there is growing evidence that substantial further declines will occur in the next 50 years, with impacts on the environment, economies, infrastructure and sustainable development.
Author Archives: lrha
Here’s how protecting freshwater ecosystems can help countries meet their biodiversity targets
The world has mismanaged its freshwater reserves for decades, hampering progress towards the SDGs. Some 50 per cent of countries globally have one or more types of freshwater-related ecosystems – rivers, lakes, wetlands or aquifers – in a state of degradation, finds a recent report from UNEP.
UNEP Foresight Brief: Water as a Circular Economy Resource
The 33rd edition of UNEP’s Foresight Brief looks at how to apply circular principles to water management, and how circularity in water management is key to addressing both the triple planetary crisis and a global water crisis.
Working with the Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems (WEFE) Nexus
This policy note provides a summary and perspectives of the Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems (WEFE) Nexus for climate-resilient sustainable development. It showcases the strong inter-relationship between water resources, energy generation, food production and freshwater ecosystems and the links between the WEFE Nexus and integrated water resources management (IWRM).
Global Wetland Centre opens on World Wetlands Day
World Wetlands Day is a global awareness campaign celebrated every year on 2 February to highlight the value of wetlands. And, not coincidentally, today is also the official opening day of the Global Wetland Center that DHI has established together with the University of Copenhagen and GEUS!
As shortages mount, countries hunt for novel sources of water
In a bid to find water, countries are turning to more unconventional sources. Read this UNEP article and explore the different methods being used by countries to find new sources of fresh water.
Rapid Environmental Assessment of Kakhovka Dam Breach, Ukraine
The Rapid Environmental Assessment of the Kakhovka Dam Breach, carried out by UNEP at the request of the Ukrainian Government, uses UNEP-DHI’s expertise in modelling to assess the hydrological impacts.
Rapid Environmental Assessment of Kakhovka Dam Breach, Ukraine (2023)
This report contains a preliminary analysis of the environmental impacts of the Kakhovka dam breach, which occurred in the early hours of 6 June 2023.
UNEP side event on sustainable lake management
The International Lake Environment Committee (ILEC), in collaboration with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), will host an International Colloquium on November 6th, 2023, during the 19th World Lake Conference (WLC19).
Introduction to DHI’s Global Hydrological Model
Watch the recording from this webinar that took place on 24 October 2023 and learn more about DHI’s Global Hydrological Model.
Online course now available: Water Pollution Management in Achieving SDG Target 6.3
The continued deterioration of water quality poses one of the biggest threats to human and ecosystem health worldwide. This free online course provides you with key insights on water pollution drivers, stakeholder involvement, and strategic planning for pollution prevention and management needed to tackle this issue.
New vacancy: Intern to work with marine litter and plastic pollution data
UNEP-DHI is looking for a full time Intern to support our work with UNEP and the Global Partnership on Plastic Pollution and Marine Litter (GPML). The application deadline is 13th of August 2023. Expected starting date is as soon as possible.